Human interference leaves scars. The scalpel cuts into skin, the excavator digs into turf. In the end, the body is more beautiful and the landscape smoother. The short film essay connects two such operations together: plastic surgery and highway construction. It is a reflection on the vulnerability of natural surfaces, set to the melancholic a-moll tones of Astor Piazolla’s composition Asleep.
Visions du Reel, Nyon
Munich International Documentary Film Festival
Grenoble International Nature and Environment Film Festival
Writer, Director, Editor: Jens Schanze
Sound: Susan Gluth
Camera assistant: Hannes Kaltenhauser
Producing Management: Evi Stangassinger
Thanks to:
Karin Schuster
Bernd Sippel
Dr. Ulrich Gruber
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Pauline Pauli
Patrick Hörl
Klaus Lautenbacher
Production Company: University for Television and Film Munich
Lothar Hensel (Bandoneon) and
the State Youth Chamber Orchestra
of North Rhine – Westphalia play "Asleep"(a-moll) from Astor Piazzolla
with kind permission from A. Pagani s.r.l. (Milano) edizioni musicali (SIAE)
Production Notes
Country: Germany
Year: 1996
Shooting format: 16 mm B&W
Screening format: 16 mm 1x1.37 or Digital Betacam
Sound: Magnetic mono
Running Time: 7 minutes